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Pay attention to the purchase of diesel generator set!


Now many bad vendors and buyers in order to seek for profits, false report of the brand and power of products! Lead to the customer to diesel products brand and performance of a great mistake! The brand and performance of 100kW generator are all fake. So how to purchase the generator set correctly is what we care about! Let's take you together to understand the eight pitfalls that users should pay attention to when purchasing:

1. Confused KVA and kW relationship, KVA as kW exaggerates power, sell to customers. Actually KVA is considered as power, kW is effective power, and their relationship is ikva=0.8kw. Generally, the imported units are expressed as kVA, while domestic power equipment is generally expressed in kW. Therefore, when calculating power, it is necessary to convert KVA by 80% to kW.

2. The relationship between the long-term (rated) power and the backup power is not discussed. Only one "power" is said, and the backup power is sold to the customer as the long-term power. In fact, backup power = 1.1x long line power. Moreover, the backup power can only be used for one hour in 12 hours of continuous operation.

3. The diesel engine power is as large as the power of the generator in order to reduce the cost. In fact, the industry generally stipulates that the diesel engine power is ≥ 10% of the generator power, because of the mechanical loss. Worse, there are also diesel engine horsepower as kilowatt misrepresentation to users, and use diesel engine less than generator power to configure the unit, commonly known as: small horse drawn cart, even the unit life reduced, frequent maintenance, high use costs.

4. The second mobile phone refurbishment machine is sold to customers as a new engine, and the diesel engine is equipped with a new generator and control cabinet, which makes it impossible for ordinary non professional users to distinguish whether it is a new or old one.

5. For example, 100kW generator quotation, only diesel engine or generator brand, no place of origin, no unit brand. For example, Cummins, Volvo, Sweden, Stanford, UK. In fact, no diesel generator set can be completed by an enterprise. The customer should fully understand the manufacturer and brand of diesel engine, generator and control cabinet of the unit, so as to comprehensively evaluate the grade of the unit.

6. The unit without protection function (commonly known as "four protection") is sold to customers as the unit with complete protection function. What's more, the unit with incomplete instruments and no air switch is promoted to customers. In fact, the industry generally stipulates that units with more than 10kW must be equipped with full instrument (commonly known as five meters) and air switch; Large units and automation units must have self-protection function.

7. It is not about the brand grade of diesel engine and generator, the configuration of control system, the after-sales service, the price and delivery time. Some also use non power station special oil engines, such as marine diesel engine and vehicle diesel engine for generating sets. The quality (voltage and frequency) of the terminal product of the unit - power cannot be guaranteed. Too low price of the unit generally have problems, commonly known as: only buy wrong not sell wrong!

8. It is not to talk about the situation of random accessories, such as without muffler, oil tank, oil pipeline, what grade of battery, what capacity battery, several batteries, etc. In fact, these annexes are very important and must be stated in the contract. Even the water tank fan is not equipped, so that customers can open the water tank.

It is the most important to select enough high-quality diesel generator sets, especially for the 100kW generator, it is necessary to see the model, brand, performance, etc. to avoid unnecessary burden on yourself. I hope you can purchase high-quality diesel generator set and bring benefits.

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